Introduction to Retail Formulas

Formulas are pre-written Salt states, that are used to configure your Uyuni for Retail installation.

You can use the Uyuni Web UI to apply common Uyuni formulas. For the most commonly used formulas, see Salt Formulas.

All formulas must be accurately configured for your Uyuni for Retail installation to function correctly.

1. Branch Server Formulas

Branch servers are configured using formulas. Formulas can be configured using Uyuni Web UI, or the Uyuni XMLRPC API. To fully configure Uyuni for Retail, these formulas need to be enabled and configured on the branch server.

The following formulas can be used for connecting Uyuni Proxy 4.3 with Uyuni 5.0:

In addition, Bind and DHCPd formulas can be used, but not on the branch server because SLE Micro does not have Bind and DHCPd in the repositories.

Optionally, you can also enable the image synchronization formula. For more information, see Image Synchronization Formula.

Badly configured formulas can result in the branch server failing to work as expected. Due to the generic nature of formulas it is difficult to do overall validation. We recommend that you configure the branch server using the Uyuni for Retail command line utilities, and use individual formula settings for further tuning if required. For more information, see Set Up the Uyuni for Retail Environment.

If a formula uses the same name as an existing Salt state, the two names will collide. This could result in the formula being used instead of the state. Always check the names of states and formulas to avoid name collisions.

When you have made changes to your formula, ensure you apply the highstate. The highstate propagates your changes to the appropriate services.

2. Partitioning and Image Deployment Formula

Use the Saltboot formula to specify disk partitioning, and to select which image should be deployed. For more information about the Saltboot formula, see Saltboot Formula.