Mirror Source Packages

If you build your own packages locally, or if you require the source code for your packages for legal reasons, it is possible to mirror the source packages on Uyuni Server.

Mirroring source packages can consume a significant amount of disk space.

Use mgrctl term before running steps inside the server container.

Procedure: Mirroring Source Packages
  1. Open the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf configuration file, and add this line:

    server.sync_source_packages = 1
  2. Restart the Spacewalk service to pick up the changes:

    mgradm restart

Currently, this feature can only be enabled globally for all repositories. It is not possible to select individual repositories for mirroring.

When this feature has been activated, the source packages become available in the Uyuni Web UI after the next repository synchronization. They are shown as sources for the binary package, and can be downloaded directly from the Web UI. Source packages cannot be installed on clients using the Web UI.