Server - Minor Version Upgrade (Y Upgrade)

You can upgrade Uyuni to the next minor version using either the YaST online migration tool or the Zypper command line tool. This is often referred to as a product migration, service pack migration, or SP migration. This procedure does not replace the server with an updated copy. It is an in-place upgrade.

Examples: * 4.2.x4.3.0 or 4.1.x`4.3.0

The upgrade from version 4.1 to 4.3 will also upgrade the base OS from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4, and the PostgreSQL database from version 12 to 14 with an additional step. For more information about the database upgrade, see Database Migration to Latest Version.

Upgrades should be run from a text console, rather than a graphical interface like GNOME. If you are logged into a GNOME session running on the machine you are going to migrate, you will need to switch to a text console. This does not apply if you are logged in from a remote machine (unless you are running a VNC session with GNOME).

Before the upgrade, ensure that storage requirements are met. For more information, see Hardware Requirements. The migration procedure can fill the root partition if there is not enough space available due to the service pack migration and the download of new software packages. It is the same for the /var/lib/pgsql when upgrading PostgreSQL. It takes a copy of the old database, thus be sure to have at least enough space available to cope with a copy of the database.

1. Preparing the upgrade to 4.3

Before you start the upgrade process you must deactive the Python 2 module (sle-module-python2) on the old 4.1.x or 4.2.x Uyuni Server. In case of 4.1.x, on the command line, as root, run:

SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-python2/15.2/x86_64

In case of 4.2.x, on the command line, as root, run:

SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-python2/15.3/x86_64

This deactivation step is necessary because the Python 2 module is no longer available on the new Uyuni 4.3. On Uyuni Server 4.3, the Python 3 module (sle-module-python3) will get installed.

For more information, see the Uyuni 4.3 release notes.