Server - Major Upgrade

When Uyuni core components are upgraded to new major versions, you need to perform a major upgrade on the Uyuni Server. This is the case if a version upgrade of PostgreSQL, Salt, or openSUSE Leap is needed. openSUSE Leap is the underlying base operating system (OS).

Some additional manual steps might be required, and this information is only available in the release notes. For important extra information about your upgrade, see the release notes at:

You will not be able to fix issues that arise during the migration. Ensure you have created a backup before you start the migration. For more information about backing up Uyuni, see Backup and Restore. If you are running Uyuni Server on a virtual machine, we recommend that you create a snapshot before you start.

Before the upgrade, ensure that storage requirements are met. For more information, see Requirements. The migration procedure can fill the root partition if there is not enough space available due to the service pack migration and the download of new software packages. It is the same for the /var/lib/pgsql when upgrading PostgreSQL. It takes a copy of the old database, thus be sure to have at least enough space available to cope with a copy of the database.

The script migrates Uyuni Server to the latest version. It also upgrades the underlying operating system to version 15.5. The script is part of the susemanager package.

Procedure: Migrating the Uyuni Server
  1. Before running the script, check whether the most recent version of the susemanager package is installed:

    zypper ref
    zypper up susemanager
  2. Run the /usr/lib/susemanager/bin/ script to upgrade the base OS and Uyuni Server.

After the migration is complete, manually reboot the Uyuni Server: